
5 Examples of How to Write a Killer Tweet

Posted on by admin | in longhorn

If Twitter leaves just one contribution to mankind, it will have been their limitation to 140 characters for people to state their business. With the exception of internetese, which isn’t always appropriate, the ability to say much with few words is all but a lost art.

A good tweet will have less than the 140 characters our opening sentence mentions, and contains exactly. In fact, it is recommended that 120 characters be the limit, to make room for readers to retweet your post. A killer tweet should be evocative, informative, and timely.

With those elements in mind, here are five examples of how to write a killer tweet:

Space Tweet – Astronaut TJ Creamer, on 22 January 2010, sends the first tweet from space:

Hello Twitterverse! We r now LIVE tweeting from the International Space Station — the 1st live tweet from Space! 🙂 More soon, send your ?s

From The TMI Dept. – Sometimes a lack of brevity is what makes a tweet memorable, as in the case of this news release from the Wall Street Journal:

BREAKING NEWS: Prosecutors get a $170 billion judgment against Bernard Madoff. Ruth Madoff agrees to give up nearly all ass..

On The Scene – In this case, the scene of an incredible near-disaster. A plane crash lands into New York’s Hudson River and Janis Krums is there with a truly evocative, informative and timely tweet – as well as a link to a photo he took of the plane in the water:

http://twitpic.com/135xa – There’s a plane in the Hudson. I’m on the ferry going to pick up the people. Crazy.

Good Signal, Nice Plug – Tweets can be incredible marketing tools, even when they’re being sent by one. Kenton Cool has reached the summit of Mt. Everest for his 9th time, a trip sponsored by Samsung. So clearly the occasion calls for a tweet – from Cool’s conveniently handy Samsung Galaxy S2 smart phone. The tweet:

Everest summit no 9! 1st tweet from the top of the world thanks to a weak 3G signal & the awesome Samsung Galaxy S2 handset! @samsunguk

A Thought in Passing – This tweet from @jwmoss is a great example of combining the best elements of a killer tweet. It was timely, informative, and decidedly evocative:

Steve Jobs was born out of wedlock, put up for adoption at birth, dropped out of college, then changed the world. What’s your excuse?


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