
10 Lesser Known But Great Online Libraries

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Life has never been simpler for researchers, fact-finders and TV game show enthusiasts.  All are but a few keystrokes away from access to an internet database of virtually any subject matter. Online libraries have long since usurped the brick-and-mortar variety as their go-to information sources. Many are familiar to the average surfer, while others, which may serve niche markets or specialize in less-mainstream topics, are not so well-known. We’re here to serve, so today we bring you a list of ten lesser-known, but truly great online libraries:

  1. INFOMINE (Scholarly Internet Resource Collections) – A library of resources for research on numerous subjects. Articles, e-books and journals are among the searchable reference materials; subjects range from science to the arts.
  2. The Literature Network – Boasting an index of over 3000 books plus short stories, and poetry, this library includes a quotation database. Try out the quiz section to test your knowledge.
  3. Artcyclopedia – “The guide to great art online.” This reference site provides access to links, books, images, museum galleries and articles of over 9,000 artists. Research material is available for art movements as well.
  4. Resource LibraryThe CBS Interactive Business Network Resource Library; search articles in major publications for topics including: Business, Technology, Sports, Careers, Home & Garden; Arts and Health.
  5. Project GutenbergHere you will find over 36,000 free e-books for downloading (ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text). Project Gutenberg has a volunteer-based program called Distributed Proofreaders whereby readers may collaborate in proofreading segments of public domain books for conversion to e-books.
  6. Shakespeare Searched.Think of this as the Shakespearean’s Google, as it’s more of a search engine than library. It is a terrific tool for locating the Bard’s works via keyword queries. If you know a line, word or phrase and need to find where it appears, this is where to search.
  7. The Goddard LibraryAn invaluable reference source for technical and scientific research, the Goddard Library is part of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The Cool Sites link is a great place to begin your exploration.
  8. 50States.comFor information about any of these United States, from state birds and songs to local newspapers, this is your source. An excellent assortment of study tools for teachers and students is here.
  9. Wiley Online Library – A huge research database for subjects including physical sciences, health, social science, humanities. Access to over 4 million articles, 10,000 online books, using easy-to-follow tutorial aids and videos.
  10. LibdexA library of libraries as it were, Libdex is a directory of libraries throughout the world. You can also use the site’s search function to locate books.

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