A common definition for infographics is graphical representations of information. They use graphs and charts to give consumers information on a complex topic. These representations are increasingly important with the explosion of Internet marketing and sales. Businesses have an increased demand for unique infographics that show case their unique place in the market.
However, businesses are finding there are common problems with these graphical representations. Overcoming these problems is important for maximizing their impact. Here are seven of the problems to consider:
1. Data Integrity – This can be a real challenge with these illustrations. Unless a graphic is updated quite regularly, the data represented in its contents can be out of date quite quickly. Plus, some businesses do not create their own infographics. They rely on others to do this for them. The sources of information in these graphs and charts needs tight scrutiny before you place them on your website.
2. They Look Like the Competition’s – Another problem with infographics is they all tend to look the same after awhile. Many businesses use graphics to help their clients understand a complex topic. However, when the consumer sees multiple sites using similar graphics, they tend to ignore the ones on new sites, figuring they contain the same information. You need to have graphics that stand out from the rest.
3. Commmon Data – The third problem with infographics is that many use common data. This goes back to needing to stand out from the crowd. Don’t waste valuable space in giving consumers everyday data or mainstream information in these graphics. They know this information already. For the best impact, give them something new.
4. Too Little Information – Having too little information in an infographic can be a problem. If you are going to the trouble of making a graphic for your website, make sure it has plenty of useful information available to the consumer. This will grab their attention and keep them on your web page a bit longer.
5. Poorly Defined Data – Some websites use infographics for any and all information, even if it does not translate well to a visual. Use these illustrations when you have information that translates into visual form for impact. Have others review the graphics and give their opinions before you post them. What may seem obvious to you may only confuse your potential audience.
6. Off Topic Illustrations – Another problem with infographics is that they may not be on topic for the website. The idea of having these graphics is great, but if they are not on topic they serve no purpose. They will end up being no more than filler on a website page. While creating custom graphics for a website can be expensive, having generic off-topic illustrations can drive people away from the website, thus costing you potential business.
7. Boring Graphics – A final problem that many websites suffer with is infographics that do not interest or engage the website viewer. Internet users expect visual impact. When your graphics and illustrations blend into the background, they will pay no attention. So, when designing these graphics, keep visual impact and exciting content in mind.
Infographics can play a very critical part in your website success. They can help your customers receive critical information and make you stand out from your competition. However, you need to use them smartly to get the most out of them. Avoiding these seven common problems will allow you to do just that.
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