
10 Signs an SEO Expert is Actually Successful

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When it comes to search engine optimization, there is no shortage of resources for advice. But how do you know, out of all the so-called experts out there, whose advice is worth heeding? There must be a way you can weed out the pros from the posers. Well, it turns out there are several reliable means for spotting the real SEO experts, and their relative success is a major factor in identifying them. The following are ten signs that an SEO “expert” is actually successful:

  1. Quality Backlinks – There is no single better indicator of the relevance and success of a website than its backlinks. If a website is linked to from trusted, high quality websites, then you know you’re onto something.
  2. Results – An SEO guru who has enjoyed any amount of success will be happy to share specific success stories with a potential client. Ask them to point out some clients who have benefited from their SEO assistance.
  3. Above-board Techniques – It used to be an easier path, taking the short-cuts and using questionable or outright unethical tactics for improving page rankings. A strong SEO campaign doesn’t need PPC, text masking or keyword stuffing to get the job done. They should also be sharing their strategy with you. After all, it’s your business.
  4. Off-site Optimization – A lot of the effort involved in getting strong SEO for a website is going to be accomplished off the website. Getting those backlinks requires involvement at those sites from whom you want to get backlinks. That’s just how it works: forums, social networking, comments, guest blogs, etc.
  5. Ranking Reports – Monthly or quarterly reports, showing steady progression of their clients’ and/or their own rankings.
  6. Keyword Research – High ranking for any business is going to depend in large part on knowing what keywords your business needs to rank for in the first place. SEO firms worth hiring will first do their homework, researching your competition to determine the precise search terms you’ll be competing with, in order to optimize your site.
  7. Referrals – As with any business or service, an SEO expert should be recommended by reputable clients. Check out who else they have helped.
  8. Don’t Promote Themselves as Experts – Success and expertise are two different animals. A successful SEO professional doesn’t generally regard himself as an expert. In fact, it’s more likely he would refer clients to others, for help with specific SEO-related disciplines in which he himself is not an expert.
  9. YOU are Part of the SEO Team – Expertise aside, there is no one who knows your business better than you. That means that you need to be part of your SEO solutions, and your SEO “expert” will know that too.
  10. Google Them – The proof is in the pudding. See where this “expert” SEO firm ranks in search engines and find out what others are saying about them while you’re at it.

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